17 November 2011

Why a blog?

It's that time of year again: applying to graduate school!

Which means reassessing my life this past year (or the last 23 years, however you want to look at it) to see what I'm really made of and fit my life into 1-2 concise paragraphs. 

What I came up with looks like the hurricane remants of an undergraduate studies calendar: political science, urban planning, food, sustainability, communitarian theory, women's studies, international development. If my wit was more self-depricating then a "that's what you get with an Arts degree" joke would be inserted here. 

But its not.

In order to organize my thoughts and interests, I began to not-so-mindlessly search the World Wide Web for various sources of inspiration. What did I find? A lot of people with the same damn interests as me, which instead of being disconcerting, made me feel more energized to fight the good fight. There are people all over this here Internet writing about the food they love to eat and how it got to their plate in the first place. And its awesome. THUS, I decided to throw my hat into the ring and give it a go, but with my own spin on things. 

Food is more than just what's on our plates. It's in our photo albums, on our balconies and in our backyards (if we're lucky), in our parks, in our stores, in the daily paper, and usually in the forefront of our minds. It's impossible to ignore the role food plays in our lives.

Brainwashed in political theory, I believe our food choices are a reflection of our values, abilities, motivations, and common goods. Our communities, specifically urban communities, support and influence our ideas of food. For instance, community gardens are created in times of economic crisis and university farmers' markets are organized to satisfy student demand for local, organic food. 

What I hope to learn from this experience is how food, in the urban landscape, can be used to further cultivate positive community values, whether they be democratic, socialist, "green" or "Red." I want to look at how space influences the development of urban agriculture projects, as well as the transformation of home cooking. 

En español...

Es el tiempo de año otro vez: aplicando a programas de maestria! Es significa que yo revaloro mi vida esta año pasado (o los 23 años pasados, sin embargo lo quiere mirar) ver lo que estoy hecho de y adjusto mi vida en 1 a 2 párrafos conciso. 

Mi respuesta es como los restos de una huracán de estudios de  

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